It’s been an interesting year for Android, but also one for XDA. We’ve seen our favorite platforms grow and evolve, and so did our community.
Many things changed for us during the now-gone 2015. We took new leaps forwards and tried new things. As users, we explored further, and as developers, we created original experiences. The people behind the site and around the forums, including moderators, administrators, writers, video producers and gremlins, all worked hard to help XDA grow and foster the creativity of every member. What was once a dozen people back in 2003 turned into millions by the end of 2015, and we hope to keep growing to teach, explore and innovate.
And none of this would be possible without you, the user. Whether you casually lurk or actively engage, you are the reason the site keeps ticking with discussion, goals and challenges. We hope all of you join us this coming 2016, so that we can keep enjoying technology together. XDA offers something few sites do, and everyone invested in the forums has caught a glimpse of it at one point or another. We hope to continue to live up to your needs and expectations in the exciting years to come!
- Sincerely, your friendly XDA Portal Editors
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