Back in December last year, Xiaomi’s sub-brand Redmi launched the Redmi K30 and K30 5G in China. Out of the two devices, the higher-end Redmi K30 5G featured a Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G SoC, coupled with up to 8GB of RAM and 256GB of internal storage. Building up on the design of its predecessor, the Redmi K30 5G featured a 6.67-inch FHD+ 120Hz refresh rate display with a dual-punch hole cutout for the front-facing cameras, a quad rear camera setup with Sony’s latest 64MP IMX 686 as the primary sensor, and a 4,500mAh battery. The device was released in four color variants at a starting price of CNY 1999 (~$284), making it one of the most affordable 5G devices in the market at the time. While Xiaomi is yet to release the Redmi K30 internationally, we’ve now opened up our forums for the device for discussions and development once it’s launched.
Along with the Redmi K30 5G, we’ve also opened up our forums for the upcoming POCO X2 which is scheduled to launch in India early next month. The device is also expected to feature a high refresh rate 120Hz display, liquid cooling technology, and Sony’s IMX 686 sensor. We have reason to believe that the POCO X2 is nothing but a rebranded Redmi K30 4G. And if that’s the case, the device will most likely feature a Snapdragon 730G SoC, coupled with up to 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. Much like the Redmi K30 5G, the POCO X2 will also feature a 4,5000mAh battery with support for 27-watt fast charging. If you’re planning on getting one of these devices, then be sure to check out our forums right away!
Xiaomi Redmi K30 5G XDA Forums || POCO X2 XDA Forums
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