Earlier this month, Gurugram-based accessories manufacturer Noise launched the Noise Shots XO truly wireless earbuds in India. Building upon the success of last year’s Noise Shots X3, the new wireless earbuds feature a slightly updated design with a metallic finish, a new case with a USB Type-C port for charging, and Bluetooth 5.0 for connectivity. Now, the company is adding another product to its portfolio with the launch of the NoiseFit Fusion hybrid smartwatch.
The NoiseFit Fusion hybrid smartwatch, which looks quite a lot like the Fossil Hybrid HR smartwatch from last year, features a blend of traditional analog features with smartwatch capabilities. The smartwatch is built using premium materials, including stainless steel and sapphire glass, and features a 1.22-inch full-color capacitive touch display. The NoiseFit Fusion features mechanical hands with Smart Movement which have been intuitively designed to align with notifications so that users don’t miss anything important alerts while on the go. Users will get the option to pick from 14 different watch faces, that have been designed to appeal to a wide range of audiences.
The NoiseFit Fusion packs in a 200mAh battery which offers up to 3 days of battery life for the smart display and 30 days for the analog function. The watch is water-resistance and has been certified to 5 ATM of pressure, allowing users to go as deep as 50 m without worrying about damaging the watch. In terms of fitness features, the watch includes a 3-axis accelerometer and optical heart rate sensor which can be used to monitor sleep, step count, and resting heart rate. All of the fitness data collected by the smartwatch can be easily accessed via the NoiseFit X app.
The NoiseFit Fusion smartwatch will initially be available in two variants — Classic Black and Vintage Brown — with a smaller Rose Gold variant to be launched shortly. Interested buyers can purchase the new NoiseFit Fusion for just ₹6,999(~$99) from Noise’s website or from either Amazon or Flipkart from the links below.
Buy NoiseFit Fusion from Amazon.in || Buy NoiseFit Fusion from Flipkart
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