MySQL is the most popular database framework in the world, used by the likes of Adobe, Apple, Amazon and a bunch more companies that don’t start with the letter A. So, it should come as no surprise that understanding big data sets and how to wield them is an increasingly important skill, one you can learn to master with the training from The Complete MySQL Bootcamp ($10.99, over 90 percent off).
Across more than 150 lectures served in over 8 hours of instruction, you’ll fully train up on SQL (Structured Query Language) and MySQL, creating tables, developing basic schemes and learning how to integrate them into your app builds.
Once you’ve got your legs under you, the training picks up speed, carrying you through advanced MySQL practices used by top developers everywhere. You’ll learn how to develop and manage databases, understand how to build PHP-driven web apps, then bring all that knowledge together by crafting a data structure for your own social networking site.
Add this ever-useful skill to your coding resume with this all-inclusive training. It’s a $199.99 value on sale now for only $10.99 while this offer lasts.
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