On November 6th AndroidTO will be returning to Toronto for another year as the largest and longest running Android conference in Canada. AndroidTO 2018 is hosted by Symbility Intersect at the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and is a part of the Google Developer Group DevFest 2018 season as the final conference before the Android Dev Summit.
Speakers at AndroidTO in the past have come from companies including Cyanogen, XDA Developers, the New York Times, Citrix, Tumblr, TD Bank, Uber, and Adobe (among others), and this year they are expanding that list with speakers from Square, Patreon, Slack, Shopify, Google, Facebook, and more!
If you are in Toronto and are interested in attending, check out the AndroidTO 2018 website for tickets!
If you can’t make this year’s AndroidTO but are still interested in seeing the talks, you’re in luck! They will be uploaded to AndroidTO’s website shortly and we will link to them once they are up, or if you can’t wait you can view the talks from AndroidTO 2017 here.
Here’s a quick overview of what talks there are to look forward to seeing once the videos are ready. Be sure to bookmark this page to check back later if there are some you think you’ll be interested in!
Kristina Balaam, LOOKOUT: Auditing Your APKs Like a Black Hat Hacker
One of the best ways to guard against exploitation is to analyze your application in the same style as a black hat hacker. Data leaks, insecure storage and a slew of other vulnerabilities are all identifiable simply by reverse-engineering an APK. In this talk, we’ll walk through how to get started with auditing your own applications: reversing the APK, analyzing the reversed source & finding areas that could be vulnerable to attack. We’ll also cover tools and shortcuts for automating some of these tasks.
Adam Erb, SQUARE: A Skeptics Guide to Programmatic Views on Android
Constraint Layouts, Fragments, Data Binding, Architecture Components. The continuous release of new abstractions and paradigms can be a draining process for even the most experienced programmers. For this talk I focus on the Zen like process of leaving it all behind, and stripping away layers, rather than adding them. Android has always provided all the tools you need, you just need to know where to look for them. I talk about the Canvas and how you can draw fast and complex views, the Android Layout System and how you can implement custom responsive layouts, and using the Touch Event System to create smooth gestures across view boundaries. This talk is applicable for every level of Android developer. Familiarity with a programming language is the only prerequisite.
Eric Fung, SHOPIFY: How The Command-Line Can Give You Superpowers
I want to show you how the macOS command-line can make quick work of many things Android developers need to do. Learning how to use command-line tools will give you more ways to get your job done, and get it done faster.
I’ll demonstrate real-world techniques for how you can type less in the terminal, search your projects with ease, manipulate images and JSON files, automate deployment and testing, and more. All without needing to point, click, or swipe!
Nick Felker, GOOGLE: Building Conversational Experiences with Actions on Google
Actions on Google is a platform to allow developers to build conversational actions across a range of device modalities and form factors including Android phones and smart displays. In this talk you’ll learn how to get started, and how extend your services to reach new users in new ways.
Mallika Potter, THUMBTACK: Accessibility @ Scale
Accessibility often isn’t a priority for companies as they grow, but if you don’t invest in it early it can become a knotty problem. In this talk Mallika will share how to break down a complex Android application to find low-hanging fixes as well as prioritizing larger improvements and investing in accessibility in the future. She will explore her experience growing grassroots support for accessibility improvements at companies and both the moral and business value of improving it.
Sam Wolfand, SLACK: Building a Delightful (Enterprise Grade) Login Experience
This talk is about the 1.5 year multiple iteration effort of creating a better login experience for our users. it highlights both technical and product challenges and builds a narrative of the detail and craftsmanship that we put into each product we ship.
Alice Yuan, PATREON: Common Poor Coding Patterns and How to Avoid Them
Every engineer has great intentions when diving into a codebase. You want to make the code beautiful, easy to read, and modular. However as time passes and new feature and quick bug fixes are put in, somehow your android codebase turned into a mess of multiple levels of inheritance of views and fragments and you’re stuck wondering how you ended up here in the first place.
In my talk I will share with you common poor patterns that every developer first makes when developing in android and the alternative architecture patterns to ensuring clean code. We will talk about listeners, event driven paradigms and clean architecture.
Benoît Quenaudon, SQUARE: Applying Rx Best Practices to Your Architecture
Your relationship with RxJava doesn’t have to be complicated. We find many ways to use it wrong; it is also powerful when used properly. In fact, RxJava can guide you in shaping a sound architecture for your app. We only have to follow a few but decisive principles.
In this talk, we’ll:
- See at how side-effect isolation can help avoiding bugs.
- Learn how to share one unique stream between your view and your presenter.
- Discover the ways a unidirectional data flow makes adding new functionality easy and safe.
- Look at how data immutability brings safety to data manipulation.
After this talk, you’ll be able to write a robust and reactive architecture for your app, taking full advantage of RxJava.
Enrique López Mañas, GOOGLE DEVELOPER EXPERT: Kotlin/Native for Multiplatform Development
Reliable multiplatform development has been the Holy Grail for Mobile Developers since its inception. Many frameworks did appear and disappear. Kotlin/Native has come strongly, and since it is still in Beta version there are some caveats about this. Is Kotlin/Native reliable for my app? Is it production-ready?
Come to this talk to learn what Kotlin/Native can do for you.
Francisco Estévez García, FACEBOOK UK: Simple Dependency Management in Kotlin
In this talk we will discover how we can use just Kotlin features to inject dependencies through our codebase. Using this novel approach we’ll introduce the concept of Type Classes, a unit of abstraction and configuration used to architect apps and libraries.
Alex Saveau, ANDROID DEVELOPER: Dynamic App Modules: Building For the Next Billion
Have you been thinking about modularizing your app, but haven’t found the incentive to do so yet? That will change in this session where you will learn to use dynamic app modules to split your monolith into logical features—each of which can be downloaded independently, thus saving users’ data. Learn tips and tricks on building, testing, and deploying your dynamic features. By the end of the session, you will be familiar with the structure of a dynamic app, know how to communicate between the different feature modules, and be able to effectively use the internal track to test them.
Yun Cheng, ASICS DIGITAL: Adventures of an Android Developer in iOS Land
What happens when a seasoned Android developer finds herself having to learn iOS from the beginning over the course of a few months? This survival guide will discuss lessons learned, differences in developing in the two platforms, and tips and resources to help you transition from Android to iOS development.
Kyri Paterson, SYMBILITY INTERSECT: Machine Learning: Beyond the Tutorial
If it’s not Blockchain, Machine Learning may be the buzzword you’ve been hearing most these days in the tech world. Maybe you’ve even gotten your hands on some introductory tutorials on the topic. In this talk, Kyri is going to take you Beyond the Tutorial into the world of production code, planning, pitfalls, and big ideas in the Machine Learning space. She will explore the most important things to know and remember the tutorials never tell you, what Machine Learning looks like in an increasingly mobile world, and where this all applies in real everyday life.
Simon Reggiani, POPARIDE: React Native: A Beginner’s Journey
React Native and other cross-platform solutions are getting more and more popular. As Android developers, we can either be scared of them or embrace them. In this talk, I’ll share my journey from the former to the latter, and what I learnt from it.
Talk summaries are courtesy of AndroidTO and the speakers themselves.
Have you attended a Google Developer Group (GDG) conference or another Android meetup this year? Are you planning on going to one in the near future? Will you be attending an Android Dev Summit viewing party? Let us know in the comments!
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