Monday, November 20, 2017

Take over 90% off This Ethical Hacker Training

As hackers across the globe become more adept at breaching the most secure fire walls and server security systems known to man, more and more private companies and government agencies are relying on ethical (or “white hat”) hackers to identify and prevent these digital intrusions.

The courses in The Super-Sized Ethical Hacking Bundle will give you the skills you need to become one of these digital guardians, and the entire bundle is on sale for just $43–more than 90% off its $1,080 retail price.

With a whopping nine courses covering 78 hours of content, this massive learning bundle leaves not a single stone unturned when it comes to ethical hacking.

You’ll be introduced to the latest ethical hacking tools and techniques with Kali Linux as you use a testing lab to practice different types of attacks. You’ll also dive into social engineering and its implications for pragmatic and large-scale penetration testing, learn how to use Rapid 7’s tool Metasploit to exploit targets, run post exploitation techniques, utilize PowerShell with Empire, and much more.

Last year alone, Facebook paid $5 million to independent hackers while Google paid over $6 million as part of their “bug bounty” programs. This collection will teach you how to take advantage of these incredibly lucrative opportunities by showing you how to identify and fix bugs on some of the biggest web apps on earth.

There’s even a course dedicated to teaching you how to ace the famed CompTIA Security+ Certification Exam, which leads to a renowned and highly-respected certification that will ensure you stay competitive in the field.

Get the skills you need to become a respected and well-paid ethical hacker with The Super-Sized Ethical Hacking Bundle—on sale for over 95% off at just $43.

HostGator Web Hosting

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