The folks behind the Nextbit Robin have announced they’ve begun beta tests for their upcoming Nougat release. For anyone who wants to participate, the company asks that you fill out this form to send in your request. However, they warn anyone who has made any type of modification to their phone to stay away from this Nougat beta. If you have made such modifications to your phone, you will want to revert back to stock before trying to install this update.
The interesting part about this Android 7.0 Nougat beta for the Nextbit Robin is that they didn’t do it alone. In fact, the company says their developers worked very closely with current members of the current Paranoid Android. Nextbit says they have “joined forces” to work on this new OTA update, and the result is a “faster, less power-hungry OS.” The Paranoid Android brand is well known with the developer community, and Nextbit appreciates what they’ve been able to create.
If you remember, certain team members of Paranoid Android had to stop working on the project at one point in time when they were hired by OnePlus. This helped lead Paranoid Android to stop pushing out new releases, but then in June it was announced the AOSPA custom ROM would be relaunched. The current team has been releasing builds of Paranoid Android for the Nextbit Robin for a couple of months now.
Nextbit tells us they’ve been working closely with the Paranoid Android team by providing them with “kernel source code and system images” so they can test their custom ROM. This turned into discussions about how they could work closer together on the company’s upcoming Nougat release. Nextbit was having some issues and the teams started to exchange “ideas, code, and resources” to help get NextbitOS running smoothly on Nougat.
So be sure to fill out the beta request form if you want to try out a beta version of Android 7.0 Nougat on your Nextbit Robin.
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