In what is said to be the result of the company’s newly formed hardware division, it’s being reported that Google is currently in the process of phasing out the Google Cast brand. This comes as a surprise since they recently started pushing this name once 3rd-party companies started selling products with the streaming technology built in. Now, we’re seeing multiple places where the term Google Cast is being phased out and replaced with the Chromecast branding.
It was back in March of this year when Google officially launched the Google Cast branding. The move seemed like a way for the company, and consumers, to know the difference between a Chromecast (which is a product) and the streaming technology it used (which was then labeled Google Cast). This made sense from an technical perspective, but this new report from Variety seems to indicate that Google wasn’t happy with the changes.
The evidence given in this report starts by saying hardware partners like Vizio, Toshiba and Philips are now advertising their products with the new “Chromecast built-in” term. Then they cite a Twitter post from Google that says “From Google Cast to Chromecast. New name on Twitter, same device you know.” Google has even started using the “Chromecast built-in” name on their own Google Cast page.
However, there are still some places, like the Android TV landing page, that still references it by the Google Cast name. So this whole thing seems to be a slowly phased out process that Google is currently in the middle of. The whole thing just seems confusing from a consumer standpoint. The quicker Google decides on, and sticks to, a name for their streaming technology, the better it will be for them and for consumers.
Let us know what you think is best? Were you a fan of the Google Cast name, or do you think Chromecast built-in is better since it helps to tie it to their Chromecast products?
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