Telegram is one of the best messaging services around, and it adds new features and options at an incredible rate. The service added new media improvements and iOS updates last month, and more recently restricted message forwarding and made it easier to delete older chats. Now another update is rolling out with even more features. Telegram latest update, version 8.4, adds message reactions, spoiler tags, message translations, and more.
Message reactions are ubiquitous across platforms, with WhatsApp even being spotted working on introducing them in the future. Other platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Discord, and even Slack supported them, but their omission from Telegram seemed odd. Now they’re here, and you can even set a quick reaction that can be triggered just by double-tapping a message.
Another big update outlined in the company’s blog post is the introduction of spoiler formatting, which we knew was being tested recently. It’s great for discussing movies and other content that you don’t want people to automatically see. Just watched Spider-Man: No Way Home and want to talk about it in a group chat without spoiling it for the one friend who hasn’t seen it? Just use spoiler tags, and your message will only be viewable by tapping it.
Finally, you can also translate messages into any language directly from within Telegram. You can enable the Translate button in Telegram’s language settings, and then just hold down on any message to translate it. You can also exclude the translate button from messages written in a language you’re fluent in. It works on all Android devices that support Telegram but requires iOS 15+ on iPhones.
Other smaller updates include themed QR codes for your username, new menus for MacOS, and more interactive emoji. The interactive emoji are fun, as you can tap a large emoji sent on its own to play a fun animation.
Telegram 8.4 is rolling out on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
Telegram (Free, Google Play) →
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