Google has announced that Android developers can set sub-dollar pricing in 20 new markets across the globe, including Latin America, EMEA, and APAC. The search giant previously supported sub-dollar pricing in markets such as India and Brazil.
By lowering the minimum price limit, developers can set prices in the range of 10-30 cents U.S. equivalent in most of these markets, Google said. Prices can be set to a lower amount on things like paid apps, in-app products, and subscriptions.
“These ultra-low price points, or ‘sub-dollar’ prices, allow you to reach new potential buyers by adjusting your pricing to better reflect local purchasing power and demand,” Google said in a blog post. “It also gives you more flexibility to set your global pricing strategy and gives more users the opportunity to enjoy monetized experiences in your apps and games.”
Sub-dollar pricing is available for developers in these new markets:
- Bangladesh
- Bulgaria
- Bolivia
- Costa Rica
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Croatia
- Hungary
- Jordan
- Kazakhstan
- Lebanon
- Sri Lanka
- Myanmar
- Pakistan
- Paraguay
- Romania
- Serbia
- Thailand
- Tanzania
- Vietnam
Sub-dollar pricing has been available in some markets as far back as 2015. Google said the option is a great way to reach new customers, whether it’s through limited-time promotions, seasonal deals, introductory pricing, or reward loyalty. The search giant also said sub-dollar pricing works well on chance-based items.
“Users who aren’t willing to spend $5 on a valuable in-game item may be willing to pay $0.15 to open a treasure chest with a chance of finding the item inside,” Google said. “By offering gacha at sub-dollar pricing, many users may be willing to pay a token amount just to try their luck.”
Before today’s expansion, Google made sub-dollar pricing available in markets like Mexico, South Africa, and Ukraine. Developers can adjust their app’s pricing in the Google Play Console. You can see a full list of price ranges here.
The post Android app devs can now set sub-dollar prices in 20 new countries appeared first on xda-developers.
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