Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Google Photos adds Maps timeline to better relive your memories

Love it or hate it, the timeline feature in Google Maps is incredibly convenient because it shows you every place you’ve ever been. Seems like that would be nice to have in Google Photos, right? Google seems to think so, which is why the company added the feature in Google Photos v5.23.0.

Now, when you look at your images in Google Photos, you’ll see your Maps timeline and the photos you took along the way. To use the feature, hop into Google Photos and go to the Search tab. A new warning popup will explain that Maps timeline has been added to the map, along with a link explaining the new feature.

“You can use your photos’ locations to organize, search, and explore your photos based on where they were taken,” Google says on a support page.

Images via Android Police

Seeing what route you took and the pictures you snapped along the way is a fun way to relive old memories. At the very least, it’s a great way to recap the things you did on a particular vacation. (Speaking of which, Google Maps actually just added a Trips tab to help you retrace that vacation you took before the pandemic hit.)

“Your map shows photos including shares photos you’ve saved,” Google explains. It uses location info such as your camera’s GPS, detected landmarks, and your location history.”

If you want, you can turn your private timeline view off. I see the feature in my app on iOS, but I can’t quite get the blue path to show up.

The integration of a timeline view seems like a natural progression of Google Photos, which has been the recipient of a number of updates this year. Recently, Google announced the service will soon add a new cinematic feature that will make images appear 3D.

It’s a helpful addition for people who like to relive previous trips, or perhaps share a route they took during a vacation. But Google Photos users may not want to get too attached. Earlier this year, Google announced that it will no longer offer unlimited free storage, making the service just another storage option.

Google Photos (Free, Google Play) →

The post Google Photos adds Maps timeline to better relive your memories appeared first on xda-developers.

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