The Telegram messenger is hailed for its virtue of being pro-privacy and pro-consumer, which is why it remains to be one of our favorite means to communicate. In the last couple of updates, Telegram added animated stickers as well as certain privacy-focused features including the ability to add contacts based on your geographical location as well as customization options for notification. The latest update to the messenger brings the flexibility of sending messages without disturbing the recipient, extended controls for group admins, animated emoji, and a lot more.
Starting with the silent messages, you will no longer have to hold yourself back when you have something important to say but do not want to disturb the receiver, based on the consideration that they might be in a meeting, resting, or simply taking some time off. You can simply long-press the send button and tap on “Send without sound” and the user on the other end will receive a notification but, without any sound. The feature is also useful while sending a crucial message in groups at odd hours.

Telegram for Android also now gets an improved attachment menu with bigger thumbnails and the ability to view the entire gallery by swiping up on the page. Users can choose to send multiple images without grouping them together or without any form of compression. Additionally, you will now see not only animated stickers but also animated emojis in Telegram.
Furthermore, you will now be able to add timestamps while sharing videos. The feature also works when you share the link for a YouTube video.

Apart from these features for the users, Telegram update adds new abilities for group admins. First off, admins will be able to activate Slow Mode, which will allow users to send messages in a group but only once in the interval set by the admin in order to stop the group’s communications from getting out of hands. These intervals for the slow mode can vary between 30 seconds to an hour. Admins of the groups can also assign different labels for various other admins or moderators in the group so that the users know about the designated roles in the group.
The latest version of Telegram from the Play Store is now available via Play Store.
Telegram (Free, Google Play) →
Source: Telegram Blog
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