Monday, August 19, 2019

Google open sources I/O 2019 app and Live Transcribe’s speech engine

Google as a software company is constantly working on new apps as a means to achieve certain goals. Most of these apps are closed-source in nature, meaning that you cannot really take a look under the hood to see how those goals are achieved. But every now and then, Google also lets interested users do exactly that by open-sourcing its apps and underlying technology, giving everyone an opportunity to take a look at the science and the code behind some popular and innovative services. Google has now open-sourced the Google I/O 2019 app and the speech engine used in the Live Transcribe app.

The Google I/O 2019 app was specifically useful during the event in May, for both, those attending in-person and those tuning in remotely. The app allowed users to explore the conference schedule, find further details on topics and the speakers, get reminders and notifications, and even reserve seats for events. While the app’s main purpose was fulfilled during the event, Google also attempts to highlight some of the added functionality within the app by open sourcing the app. For instance, the I/O 2019 app was one of the first apps to fully support Android Q’s gestural navigation changes. The app also featured a dark theme, an improved schedule screen, navigation component, full-text search, changes to the schedule screen, and some other smaller improvements.

Google I/O 2019 App Source Code on GitHub

Google I/O 2019 (Free, Google Play) →

Live Transcribe is an Android app that provides real-time automated captions for people who are deaf or are hard of hearing. The app makes everyday conversations much more accessible for these people as it takes real-world speech through the phone’s microphone and converts it into captions in real-time. Google is sharing the transcription engine behind the Live Transcribe app with the world so that developers can build applications with the same robust transcription that we see on this app. The shared repository contains the Android client libraries for communication with Google’s Cloud Speech API that are used in Live Transcribe.

Google Live Transcribe Speech Engine on GitHub

Live Transcribe (Free, Google Play) →

Source: Google (1), (2)

The post Google open sources I/O 2019 app and Live Transcribe’s speech engine appeared first on xda-developers.

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