Friday, June 28, 2019

[Update: Keyboard shortcuts] Here’s what virtual desktops on Chromebooks may look like

Update 4 (6/28/19 @ 9:55 AM ET): The Chromium bug report that has been tracking the Chrome OS Virtual Desks feature now mentions keyboard shortcuts.

Update 3 (6/3/19 @ 12:40 PM ET): Virtual desktops is finally live in the Canary channel of Chrome OS 77. Hands-on video below.

Update 2 (5/10/19 @ 10:55 AM ET): Virtual desktops for Chromebooks has been in the works for several months now, but now we know it will be arriving in Chrome OS 76.

Update 1 (4/30/19 @ 9:20 AM ET): The Chromium team has posted a new video showing off their latest work on virtual desktops in Chrome OS (below).

Chrome OS has come a long way over the years, but it still lacks some features that hold it back from being a no-sacrifices desktop OS. One such feature that you’ll find on Windows, Linux, and Mac PCs is the ability to have multiple “virtual” desktops. This allows the user to organize their open windows and apps into separate workspaces. Google is finally getting around to adding this functionality to Chrome OS under the tentative name “Virtual Desks.”

Back in November, a Product Manager for Chrome OS confirmed the feature was “on the roadmap,” but didn’t give any specific details. Now, thanks to a commit posted to Chromium Gerrit, we can see the feature is in development. Titled “Virtual Desks 1: Initial scaffolding,” the commit mentions a “new desk” button and thumbnail previews that will be displayed in a navigation bar.

We can actually see the early work in action thanks to a video posted (above) to a Chromium bug. The current workspace (the Chrome window) shrinks and a bar comes down from the top of the screen with the “New Desk” button. The button doesn’t do anything yet but it shows their progress so far. The UI could look very different when it makes its way to the stable channel.

Chrome OS continues to mature as a full-fledged desktop OS. Virtual desktops is a feature that power users have come to rely on. Hopefully, Google’s implementation will improve multitasking and workflow. We still likely have a while to wait before the feature even hits the Canary channel.

Via: 9to5Google

Update 1: New video

This new video shows off the progress that has been made on virtual desktops in Chrome OS. As with the previous video, this is still not a finished product. The team notes that there is no desktop switch animation or mini view content yet. Check out the progress in action in the video below.

Source: About Chromebooks

Update 2: Coming in Chrome OS 76

We’ve been following the development of virtual desktops in Chrome OS for a while, but we didn’t know when it would arrive. During a session at Google I/O 2019, it was revealed that we will see this feature go live in Chrome OS 76. Below is a video that shows the team’s current progress on the functionality. Chrome OS 76 is scheduled to arrive in August.

Source: About Chromebooks

Update: Live in Canary

We’ve been waiting for this for a while, but Chrome OS’ virtual desktop feature is finally live. Virtual Desks are up and running in the Canary channel of Chrome OS 77. It was originally expected to come in Chrome OS 76, but it will finally arrive in 77. Check out the video of Virtual Desks running on a Chromebook in the video below.

Source: About Chromebooks

Update 4: Keyboard shortcuts

A new post on the bug report that has been tracking the progress of Chrome OS Virtual Desks reveals the keyboard shortcuts that will work with the feature.

  • Ctrl+Search+= : New desk.
  • Ctrl+Search+- : Remove desk.
  • Ctrl+Search+] : Activate desk on the right (if any).
  • Ctrl+Search+[ : Activate desk on the left (if any).
  • Ctrl+Search+Shift+] : Move active window (or highlighted window in overview) to desk on the right (if any).
  • Ctrl+Search+Shift+[ : Move active window (or highlighted window in overview) to desk on the left (if any).

Keyboard shortcuts are important for productivity features like virtual desktops. Virtual Desk are still slated to arrive in Chrome OS 76 next month.

Via: Chrome Unboxed

The post [Update: Keyboard shortcuts] Here’s what virtual desktops on Chromebooks may look like appeared first on xda-developers.

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