Toward the end of last year, Xiaomi launched a new smartphone called the Mi Play in China. The device had been teased for a while before it was launched and it received a lot of attention as it was the company’s first smartphone with a waterdrop notch for the camera and its sensors. It comes equipped with the MediaTek P35 SoC, 4GB of RAM, 64GB of internal storage, and a dual 12MP (f/2.2) + 2MP rear camera setup. Its hardware and design put it in line with the company’s new Redmi sub-brand.
Xiaomi has a flaky history when it comes to releasing the kernel source code of their devices. They have promised to publish the kernel source code within 3 months of releasing a product, but they were unable to hit that goal with the Mi Pad 4 last year. Thankfully though, they’ve done better with the Xiaomi Mi Play and you can find the source code for the device on their GitHub page linked below.
Source: Xiaomi
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