Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Square announces their In-App Payments SDK for Android, Flutter, and iOS

Many of you have probably heard of Square Inc. They’re a company that specializes in financial services, especially when concerning mobile payments and point-of-sale systems. You’ve probably seen their card readers at restaurants, retail stores, or even outdoor events.

However, managing payments isn’t the only thing Square does. The company also has an entire website dedicated to sharing open source projects that developers can use in their apps. One notable example is the Picasso library, which makes loading images from the web into your app simple and convenient.

Square also makes a variety of APIs and SDKs to help developers integrate their apps and services with Square’s payment management and hardware. On this note, the company recently announced its new mobile payments SDK. This SDK allows developers to integrate Square right into their app, without any extra hardware. Square takes care of the payment process, including adding and storing payment methods, and even implementing its own UI. That UI can even be customized to match the look of the app.

You don’t need to worry about platform support, either. The SDK works on iOS (Swift), Android (Java/Kotlin), and even Flutter (a cross-platform programming solution for Android and iOS). If you’re a developer looking for a secure and easy way to manage payments, this new SDK is definitely worth a look.

Source: Medium

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