Custom ROMs come in all shapes and forms. There are many different custom ROM projects out there, and no matter what kind of user you are, you’ll most probably find something that suits your needs and likings. You may want extreme customization and extended capabilities, or you probably want something more simple, yet stable and fully reliable. And if you’re familiar with custom ROMs, you’re probably familiar with LineageOS. Serving as a successor to the now-extinct CyanogenMod, Lineage’s purpose is to serve as a no-frills, reliable replacement to your phone’s official firmware, focused around security, stability, and device longevity. It is constantly improving, as well, as the team is always listening for feedback. And the latest Summer Survey is proof of that.
The Lineage team recently published the results of their second Summer Survey, which is conducted on a yearly basis in order to collect feedback on all aspects of LineageOS, the software, its features, and its team. The takeaways here include:
- 19.9% of surveyed users are on unofficial builds, possibly as a result of the increasingly strict requirements for official builds.
- Roughly 14.6% of users are not using a Gapps package.
- The Privacy Guard feature got the most positive feedback, at 4.19 out of 5, but all of LineageOS’ features listed in the poll got positive feedback equally.
- The apps that need the most improvement, according to users, are Snap, AudioFX, Trebuchet, and the Gallery.
- The least used proprietary LineageOS app is Jelly, the built-in browser, as users replace it for Google Chrome or another browser.
- LineageOS 15.1 is the most used version, as 64% of surveyed users have at least one device running 15.1, compared to 40% for 14.1.
- The most common form factor for Lineage devices is, unsurprisingly, phones: 96.7% of surveyed users were using LineageOS on their phone, versus 9.4% for tablets.
The team is taking into account this feedback starting now: the LineageOS website was revamped completely, showcasing some of the most important LineageOS 15.1 features, tweaks, and improvements over stock Android. You can check it out here. In the coming months, we should get to see Lineage improve in more ways than one thanks to these survey results.
Source: LineageOS
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