Friday, November 16, 2018

Google is testing a Material Theme redesign of the Project Fi app

project fi

Google loves to experiment with a number of different types of products and services. Some of these end up falling by the wayside such as Google Wave, Google+, and Google Reader (RIP). Others tend to evolve into new versions of itself like the Nexus program turning into the Google Pixel series and parts of Inbox by Gmail being integrated directly into Gmail itself. You never know what will happen to any of Google’s new products and services, but it looks as if the company is committed to their own MVNO (Project Fi). We recently saw a leaked document showing the service rebranded as Google Fi and now we get a look at the upcoming redesign that is planned for the application.

Google’s team behind the Project Fi service seem to be working extra hard recently as it was just revealed customers would be receiving a brand new feature. While Google continues to collect a ton of anonymized data from its users, the company knows the value of privacy. They even gave a SERP rankings boost to websites that implemented SSL for enhanced privacy. It seems they want their Project Fi customers to feel safe as well as just this week it was announced Project Fi would be adding an always-on VPN to its service.

project fi enhanced network

The feature itself is called “Enhanced Network.” Once enabled, Google says any data sent through your mobile and WiFi connection would be sent through Project Fi’s new Virtual Private Network (VPN). With the way Project Fi works and how it wants to switch from cellular networks to WiFi networks (especially public WiFi networks), having your data concealed by a VPN is quite the handy feature.

With this new feature, it seems as if the developers behind the Project Fi application are also planning a redesign as we have received some screenshots of what the new application looks like. The empty spot in the Redesign 2 screenshot will be for the new “Enhanced Network” feature.

Google is ditching the green and yellow color scheme for Project fi and going for a more modern look. The application is showing off more of its white and gray backgrounds and the blue accent color that we’re used to with Google’s version of Android. We can see some UI elements are out of place, so this is likely an early version of what the new application (and possibly rebranded) version of the service will look like.

Thanks for the tip XDA Recognized Developer Quinny899

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