Monday, October 15, 2018

How to build LineageOS 16.0 on a Windows 10 PC

LineageOS windows 10

The Windows Subsystem for Linux is currently available in Windows 10 version 1607 and later and it provides a Linux-compatible kernel interface that is developed by Microsoft (but doesn’t contain any Linux kernel code). Earlier this year we highlighted a guide that showed you how to use this on Windows 10 to build LineageOS 15.1 (instead of needing a Linux environment prepped up). XDA Senior Member Uldiniad recently announced that it was now possible to build version 16 of LineageOS using WSL but warned that you should not be syncing 16.0 on top of 15.1.

As this it is so early in the lifespan of LineageOS 16, Uldiniad asks that you do not report bugs which are not strictly due to the build environment. The developer also recommends that you follow the guide linked below to build version 16.0 using the latest version of Windows 10. Microsoft has just recently pushed out its October update and while some people have had some bugs with the update, others (such as myself) haven’t noticed anything wrong with the update at all.

Check out this guide on how to build LineageOS on Windows 10 using WSL

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