Monday, October 22, 2018

eBay now lets you trade-in your old device for an instant payout

People love to upgrade their phones as often as possible, but that can be an expensive habit. One easy way to offset the costs is to get cash for your old device. Swappa is our preferred method for selling used phones, but trading in can also be a nice option. Many manufacturers offer trade-in programs, but it can take a while to actually get your money. eBay has a new program that bills itself as “Instant Selling.”

ebay instant selling

The new program allows users to list their old device and immediately receive an eBay voucher in return. Say you want the new Samsung Galaxy S9 and you have a Samsung Galaxy S8. For an excellent condition 64GB model you can get around $260. The same condition Pixel 2 XL can get you a cool $350. eBay claims these prices are higher than what a user would typically get from Gazelle or carrier trade-in programs.

You can visit this page right now to enter your phone and see how much you can get. eBay will continue expanding the list of eligible phones throughout this month and next. The trade-in prices are still not as good as actually selling the device yourself, but this is an easier option for a lot of people. Are you interested in this program?

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