There’s been a growing number of Razer Phone fans brewing within the developer community since it was launched. The device has a number of standout features and the software developers behind the phone have been open to the developer community as well. If you have purchased the device and have yet to root it with Magisk, then XDA Member nikitis has a great guide for you.
Whether you’re new to the root scene or have experienced issues (such as WiFi not working after flashing Magisk), then this new and in-depth guide from nikitis will walk you through the entire process from start to finish. After you’ve unlocked your device and installed Magisk, you can start taking advantage of many Magisk Modules available on our forums. You can also optionally flash the Xposed Framework and install modules such as GravityBox, which should give you all of the customization you would ever need without needing a custom ROM.
Guide to Root the Razer Phone and Install Magisk
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