Smartphone manufacturers sometimes make odd decisions. For example, Motorola released the Moto G4 Plus and the Moto G5 Plus with a 32-bit Android operating system, despite the fact both processors are capable of running 64-bit software. It never made much sense — most Android applications require 64-bit software support, including the popular Google Camera HDR+ Port. But there’s hope: XDA Recognized Developer Dreamstar brought 64-bit support to the Moto G5 Plus, and now XDA Recognized Developer vache has come up with a 64-bit solution for the Moto G4 Plus.
The instructions are fairly straightforward, and were published on XDA’s Moto G4 Plus forums along with a download link for 64-bit LineageOS 15.1, a device tree, kernel tree, vendor tree, and 64-bit enabled TWRP. In 64-bit environment on the Moto G4 Plus and Moto G5 Plus, all of the system processes except for app_process — the system server — run in 64-bit mode. (app_process runs in 32-bit mode because the phones’ sensors don’t work correctly when it runs in 64-bit mode.) 64-bit mode allows for better energy efficiency and, in theory, better performance.
If you’re intrigued by the prospect of running 64-bit applications on the Moto G4 Plus, check out forum thread. Note, though, that due to the nature of the software, it’s very likely buggy — these sorts of ports tend to be tougher than most because custom ROM developers aren’t able to edit device drivers and vendor blobs without a little trial and error.
Check out 64-bit ROMs for the Moto G4 Plus!
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