Saturday, September 23, 2017

Paranoid Android 7.3.0 Brings New Camera App, Additional Launcher Customization Features, BlueBorne Patches, and More

It was just around 4 months ago that Paranoid Android came back once again to shake up the custom ROM world with polished and feature-packed Android 7.1.2 Nougat builds. Now, after one major update (7.2), some minor ones, and Android 8.0 Oreo starting to bring the heat for ROM developers, the PA folks are back with a new release yet again. This update based on Android 7.1.2, bumps up the PA version number to 7.3.0 and brings even more improvements to the table.

While this release isn’t as feature packed as the previous major update, it still brings some key improvements that you’ll indeed notice right away, like the new camera app, for example. It also includes key security improvements as well as additional launcher customization features, and a lot more.

As it’s the norm with all Paranoid Android releases, the team has been looking closely for bugs and user complaints, so you should find this release to be a lot more polished than 7.2.3. If you do find something, be sure to report it accordingly on the official Google+ community or other platforms!

New 7.3.0 Features

Global Improvements

  • New, reworked camera app (Paranoid Camera)
  • New Launcher features, customizations and improvements
  • Experimental support for simultaneous use of Color Engine and Substratum
  • New security patches (September 2017)
  • Various performance improvements
  • Various stability fixes and minor improvements
  • Fixed GPS issues with Waze and other apps
  • Fixed Trusted Face
  • Fixed possible Immersive Mode force close
  • Fixed Bluetooth connectivity issues
  • Fixed various theming issues
  • Fixed data integrity issues
  • Fixed multiple frameworks resource and memory leaks

Fixes for Google Nexus 5:

  • Fix for major power consumption in some cases

Fixes for Google Nexus 5X:

  • Patched BlueBorne kernel vulnerability
  • Fixed WiFi display

Fixes for Google Nexus 6:

  • Merged latest September security patch
  • Patched BlueBorne kernel vulnerability
  • Fixed WiFi display

Fixes for Google Nexus 6P:

  • Merged latest September security patch
  • Patched BlueBorne kernel vulnerability

Fixes for Google Pixel / Pixel XL:

  • Merged latest schedutil upstream changes
  • Patched BlueBorne kernel vulnerability

Fixes for Le Eco Le Pro 3:

  • Updated proprietary vendor files from 23S and OB20
  • Switched to new radio stack
  • Added dynamic boosting support via QPerformance
  • Updated Kernel as per latest CAF’s tag
  • General smoothness and touch boosting enhancements
  • Included workaround for F2FS GC which makes F2FS usable without concerns again
  • Patched BlueBorne kernel vulnerability
  • Various power improvements
  • Miscellaneous audio fixes and tuning

Fixes for OnePlus 3/3T:

  • Optimized thermal setup
  • Major power/battery improvements
  • Various performance enhancements
  • Improvements to touch latency
  • Improved WI-FI connectivity
  • Updated and improved F2FS support
  • Included workaround for F2FS GC which makes F2FS usable without concerns again
  • Ship firmware from internal 082917
  • Updated SRGB calibration from OnePlus
  • Added haptic intensity control (to be used by kernel apps)
  • Patched BlueBorne kernel vulnerability

Fixes for OnePlus X:

  • Fix for major power consumption in some cases
  • Fixed battery percentage getting stuck

Fixes for Nextbit Robin:

  • Optimized thermal setup
  • Patched BlueBorne kernel vulnerability
  • Other minor enhancements

Fixes for Xiaomi Mi5:

  • Updated to MIUI 7.9.7 Global dev blobs
  • Fixed lag for some users
  • Added dynamic boosting support via QPerformance
  • Patched BlueBorne kernel vulnerability

Paranoid Camera

Paranoid Android, since its initial 2017 re-release, has been known to be a step ahead of other ROMs in the camera department, be it on quality or features, and that’s especially true for OnePlus devices, which have been known to feature a pretty average camera quality when using custom ROMs.

But with this release, the PA team is introducing a new camera app called Paranoid Camera, which will be the default camera for all supported devices from now onwards. The new camera app has been redesigned from the ground up in order to achieve a new, much more friendly interface, with the help of designer Espen Flagtvedt Olsen as well as developer Grarak. Furthermore, it also brings some substantial fixes and improvements.

Launcher Customizations

One of the greatest things about third-party launchers – namely Nova Launcher, Action Launcher – is the ability to customize more than just the shortcuts on your homescreen. This new Paranoid Android release further expands on the launcher customization capabilities added on 7.2.3, also adding the following features:

  • Hidden app support – Hide apps from the app drawer and homescreen
  • Round icon support – Use round icons for all apps supporting it
  • Custom Icon Search – Search for specific icons by app
  • Dock color personalization – Choose between default, transparent, accent or wallpaper color

BlueBorne Fixes

Earlier this month, a massive security vulnerability was found to affect pretty much every single Android device with Bluetooth, from Android 1.0 to the latest Android 8.0. While this was actually patched in the September security patch, and the issue was publicly revealed after Google’s security bulletin was released, over 99% of Android phones are still in danger. The Paranoid team is making sure users running their software are safe from this flaw.

7.3.0, aside from merging the latest Android security patches, also merges the required device-specific fixes in order to fix this security vulnerability successfully on PA phones.

New Devices

All major releases of Paranoid Android always include new devices being added to the roster, and while the current one is pretty impressive in itself, it’s expanding even further with 7.3.0. The new devices that are now officially supported with PA 7.3.0 are as follows:

  • uhm

Space Oddity

As PA grows bigger, so does its device roster and, eventually, it will get to the point where it will reach their server capacity. The team is taking into account many device requests, and they want to officially support as many devices as possible. As such, in order to continue supporting more devices, the PA team is turning to users for help, by asking for donations.

The goal is to eventually expand their server infrastructure in order to officially support an even wider device range and user audience without server issues. If you want to help out, you can support them financially or, if you have access to a build server, they’re also looking for build slaves. Either option you choose, you’ll need to contact them directly.

Android Oreo

Android 8.0 Oreo has been officially out for roughly a month now, and some other custom ROM teams, like the LineageOS team, have already begun work on their Oreo versions. As such, this will be the last major Nougat update for Paranoid Android, as the team will instead focus all their workforce to getting Android Oreo working on their supported devices. If there’s a critical fix available for Nougat, though, then a minor update will be pushed out with this critical fix.

There’s currently no ETA on when the Oreo flavor for PA will be released, and it’s pretty hard to speculate since PA release dates have varied wildly in the past. So it’s just a matter of waiting and watching patiently.

Paranoid Android 7.3.0 is mostly polishing some of the rougher edges from older releases and bringing a better, more secure experience for users. And taking into the mix the massive bug fixes and security improvements with this release, as well as some of the new features, we can say for sure that 7.3.0 is a fairly big jump from 7.2.3.

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