YouTube was launched 12 years ago and since then they’ve essentially had the same logo. Sure, the logo has evolved from one with a more 3D-esque red tube for the word Tube to sit in to a flat one, but for the most case the idea behind the logo hasn’t changed. Today, the company has announced the new logo redesign, which still isn’t a huge change, along with talking about some of its more recent changes and some of their upcoming changes too.
If you’ve been watching, YouTube has been changing recently. Two years ago they launched their initial redesign plans in an attempt to tie in multiple products that are being offered. Remember, there’s YouTube Red, YouTube Kids, YouTube Gaming, YouTube TV and their goal was to integrate all of these services for those who used them. If you don’t use YouTube Kids then you won’t see it in your viewing experience but that is now different for those who use it.
The team feels the red TV that surrounds the word Tube just isn’t relevant anymore. Sure, there are some who watch YouTube videos from a smart TV (and that user base is growing), it doesn’t help to identify what the product is to the 1.5 billion monthly users. So they’re evolving the logo yet again by moving the red tube part to the front and adding in the iconic white play button that most people can recognize. This then enables them to use a black font color for all of the text instead of just the word You.
This new logo is just the latest of the changes that have happened to the service lately. We’ve seen the application move the navigation bar to the bottom, double tap gestures have been added to the app to make it easier to skip back or forward through a video, and they recently added the ability to set the playback speed in the application as well. The company is continuing to do work and says the YouTube player will seamlessly change shape in the future so that it matches the video format you’re watching. Their example here is that this feature will let you watch vertical videos without any black bars on the sides.
Source: The Verge
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