Nova Launcher is one of the most popular custom launchers available on Android right now. The application has a ton of customization features so you can tweak the look and feel of your launcher to how you like it. It may take some time to go through the plethora of options included, but it’s generally worth it to get your launcher looking perfect. Now, thanks to a new partnership with Sesame, the launcher is now getting an application and shortcut search feature.
Sesame Shortcuts is an application in the Play Store right now from a developer team calling themselves the Sesame Crew. With their application, they’ve been working on gathering deep linking shortcuts to some of the most popular applications. Meaning, you can use one of these shortcuts to go directly to a specific part of an application instead of having to open it and manually navigate to it. This might sound a lot like Android 7.1 Nougat’s App Shortcuts feature, and that’s because it is.
However, a lot of those have been limited to just people using Android 7.1 Nougat. As we saw earlier this month, only 0.9% of the Android community are currently running Android 7.1 Nougat. Some of these shortcuts are able to be backported as far back as Android 5.1 Lollipop, but this selection is limited and many are left wanting more. This is where Sesame Shortcuts comes into play and its new integration into Nova Launcher makes it even more accessible.
Those running Android 5.0 Lollipop and higher will be able to take advantage of this new feature. How it will work is you tap the Home button when you’re already at the Home Screen and it will launch a search prompt. From here, you can start typing for anything you want to go directly to. This can be someone’s name that you’re talking to via SMS or Hangouts, it can be a song from a Spotify playlist, anything that Sesame Shortcuts supports can be searched from here.
You then just need to tap it and it will launch the application and take you straight there. The new Sesame Shortcuts feature is already integrated in 5.4-beta1 of Nova Launcher so you can check it out right now. You will need to manually download the Sesame Shortcuts application yourself. It comes with a 14-day free trial, but then has a $3 in-app purchase to continue using it. Check out this GIF to see the new feature in action.
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