To kick off the week, Google announced what is likely the final developer preview update for Android O. We say likely because there aren’t any additional updates planned, but Google could end up rolling out another if they need to test something before the final build. While not much has changed from DP3 (other than removal of all of the known issues from DP3), they did announce that a new version of Android Testing Support Library was being made available as well.
Version 1.0 of the Android Testing Support Library is described as a major update to the platform’s existing testing APIs. Not only are we getting a number of bug fixes and improved stability/performance, but Google is also bringing some new testing API to the table with this update. Some of these features, such as Multiprocess Espresso and the Android Test Orchestrator, were talked about at individual sessions back at Google I/O earlier this year.
With this update we get an update to Espresso that brings it up to version 3.0.0. Multiprocess Espresso is a new feature for developers that adds support for instrumenting tests outside of your app’s default process. So you can test your application’s UI interactions that cross process boundaries all while being able to maintain Espresso’s synchronization guarantees. Multiprocess Espresso paired with the new Idling Registry API lets you register idling resources from any process within your application code.
The last big addition to Espresso is the addition of more Idling Resources so you can save time from having to write your own custom solutions. Two new ones are being added (IdlingThreadPoolExecutor and IdlingScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) with more coming soon. Some other new features in v1.0 of the Android Testing Support Library are some ProviderTestRule APIs, a way to simulate a user granting a permission to your app, achieve test isolation entirely on the device with Android Test Orchestrator, and some new features for AndroidJUnitRunner.
Be sure to check the blog post below for more detailed descriptions of these new testing features.
Source: Android Developers Blog
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