Monday, June 26, 2017

substratum Release 801 — Sungstratum, Encrypted Assets, and More

Quite recently, the lead developer of substratum released version 801 of the application. The update not only adds proper support for Samsung users (that too, rootless!) but it also manages to include a version bump for substratum’s template to version 10.

Rootless integration for Samsung SeX/TW users has been added to the application as a paid add-on. At the moment, though, devices running Android version 7.X-based ROMs (either custom or stock Samsung Experience/TouchWiz) are the only ones supported. This particular project under team substratum has been named “sungstratum.”
In order to reduce the number of overlays in the list of overlays displayed once a user taps into a theme’s section, the team has shuffled the Android System, SystemUI and Settings overlays off. In order to have them back in the list, one must head to the app’s settings to discover a freshly-baked option awaiting them.

The team went ahead and created a chat room on popular messenger Telegram for users using substratum on Samsung devices. The moment you face an issue related to the app’s functioning, that’s where you should be.

Another major update entails the inclusion of support for DP3 OMS into Android’s version O which means rebooting after applying themes won’t be needed henceforth. Users will still require root.

Moving onto the version bump for the template, team substratum introduced version 10 of their template containing encryption. The developers over at substratum also happened to land a collaborative (and official) partnership with the developers over at slimROMs. Hence, version 10 allows adding support for the slimROMs Theme Engine as well.

Users aiming to use themes on slimROMs’ Theme Engine should know that team substratum hasn’t (yet) been able to provide full support for slimROMs’ theme engine. Hence, head over to the G+ community for slimROMs for support.

Template 10 also introduces Encrypted Assets. Team substratum quotes Encrypted Asses to be

the beginning of a new theming standard where we encrypt all our assets on-the-fly during compilation.

All files built using template version 10 will be encrypted within the APK as opposed to overriding original files in the “/assets” directory. This implementation frees all themers from worries originating from potential data loss. Diving a bit deep into the encryption standard used, all files will bear the “.enc” format under a 128bit AES algorithm.

Due to the fact that assets are encrypted with randomly generated keys every single time, losing the original source of one’s theme could lock the themer out of decompilation and asset-copying benefits. It is recommended to have a copy of the original theme hosted elsewhere as well. Encrypted Assets bars recompilation as well.

The team has now migrated to Kotlin with the introduction of final APIs for Android O and has deprecated their Java branch. A complete wipe of the older template in favour of the new Kotlin-based system has been highly recommended.

This also means that if you were running a third-party modified template with dialog/dashboard apps built in, this will BREAK it.

A new “flag” has been introduced into the template in order to check support for the Samsung framework.

What do you think about substratum’s ongoing progress? Let us know in the comments!

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