Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Samsung is Reportedly Building a Bixby Speaker

The market for voice-activated personal assistant speakers is getting rather crowded. There’s the Google Home, Amazon Echo, Apple’s newly announced HomePod, and even Essential has their own assistant speaker. It’s no surprise that Samsung may be next in line. According to the Korean Herald, the Korean giant is about to join the race with a Bixby-powered speaker.

Last week we informed you that the Bixby personal assistant struggles to understand English syntax and grammar and therefore its rollout was delayed in the United States. Samsung Galaxy S8 users will have to wait until the end of June to use Samsung’s assistant for the first time. Siri, Cortana, and Google Assistant are available on the market for years.

Unsurprisingly, the news of Samsung building its own AI-powered speaker comes just days after the HomePod announcement. The Korean company does not plan to stay far behind and already has been granted design patents for a news standalone audio device. Samsung is expected to announce the Bixby speaker later this year.

Although at this point in the race, Samsung will be facing heavy competition in the United States. According to market research firm eMarketer, Amazon will capture 70.6 percent of all voice-enabled speaker users in the United States this year. The research reveals that 35.6 million Americans are expected to use a voice-activated assistant device at least once a month this year, marking a 128.9 percent growth from last year. Given that Google and Apple are continuing to promote, enhance, and expand their product lines, these numbers can only grow larger.

Source: The Korean Herald

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