In a previous post we featured the best Substratum themes for May. However, you may have realized that these were all paid themes. This is mainly because a lot of time and effort gets put into creating one of these UI tuners. After doing some digging, though, some amazing free themes emerged.
Next is Outline, a theme that really needs to get more recognition, or at least be a paid theme. It’s that good. The designer decided to go for a thin, elegant design (which you don’t actually see that often) and he pulled it off brilliantly. He doesn’t just stop at say just the navigation bar, or just the quick settings. This thin style is seen everywhere, even the font and apps get a makeover. Speaking of apps, around 80 apps have been themed. That’s a lot, even for paid themes. The theme itself is a light theme, which is great to see as many free themes are all dark. That plus the fact that you get to choose a number of colors that match the light touches extremely well.
Default Dark
Not much to see besides its dark color
It does come with some great accent colors though
Next up is Default Dark, a self-explanatory theme that may actually appeal to most users. Many free themes out there have a great selection of features, but the end result misses the mark. This theme however sticks to its roots, however simple they may seem. You have a choice of some accent colors, that actually look really good, and help make your dark theme feel a little more personal. A few default apps get a dark theme too, such as your contacts and messages app, but don’t expect too much. Hopefully the developer gets to theme some more apps in the future. For now its serves the purpose of a simple, dark theme, and that’s a good thing.
Some of the best quick settings around
Animations are found all over this theme
This one caught us off guard simply by the amount of attention to detail it brings to your phone. The somewhat thin UI has a incomplete design to it, similar to perhaps the S8 UI, even though this is much older. That alone makes it worth the download. But then comes a host of themed apps (Google+, Keep, Hangouts and more) as well as some elegant colors to make it a very well-polished theme. The animations were particularly intriguing, as well as its dark wallpapers. Overall its a great free theme that packs a ton of extras that will appeal to many light-theme enthusiasts.
Substratum themes are not easy to create, at all. You can find out more about the amazing app in this quick video, or visit the official XDA forum for Substratum here.
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