You might have heard of Maru OS, an ambitious Android ROM that was designed to offer a full desktop experience upon connecting your device to a display. Instead of wonky adaptations of the Android UI, Maru OS manages to run actual Debian for an uncompromisig experience.
The one-man team project was recently open-sourced as well in order to leverage the power of the developer community through cooperation. Maru OS is definitely one of the more interesting projects we are seeing at a time when Google is rumored to be looking for solutions to a similar problem, Samsung is about to release its own custom dock for its next flagship, and many similar endeavors haven’t delivered. Today, Maru OS further expands its support with version 0.4 for the Nexus 7 2013 Wi-Fi (flo).
Maru OS’ project lead gets asked to support more devices on a regular basis, so this announcement is something his followers will definitely appreciate. The Nexus 5 was the only supported device for too long, and while it’s a capable phone even after so many years, it’s refreshing to see a tablet like the Nexus 7 receive some love too — especially since its size makes it useful to use with Maru OS, as you can still operate Android while utilizing the ROM’s desktop functionality. Do keep in mind that this build is still in beta and will be upgraded to a stable build after feedback pours in. With this release we also see some extra improvements worth noting:
Maru OS now supports full disk encryption for both mobile and desktop data, which you can configure in the Security menu of the settings by simply encrypting your device like you would on any other ROM. AOSP updates for Marshmallow have also been merged for updated security patches (through February 1st), and LXC has been upgraded from 1.0.7 to 1.0.9. With the addition of the Nexus 7, a device check has been added to the installers as well, to prevent accidentally flashing an incorrect image. Browser crashes, root account / network permissions bugs and other oddities have also been fixed.
We are glad to see that Maru OS keeps growing and expanding in an area where so many others have failed, and volunteer code has been helping the project as reported in their latest blog post.They also note there are several community ports in progress that require testing, including devices like the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P. If you’d like to become part of the Maru OS community and contribute to the codebase (and there’s many ways in which you can do that), stop by their github or get acquaintanced with Maru OS in their developer forum!
Source: Maru OS Blog
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