In the war of home assistants, Google and Amazon have been duking it out in an effort to own your living room. Both companies have launched their own products that launch their respective virtual assistants, Google Assistant and Alexa, at the convenience of a voice command.
Google wants to expand the areas in which it competes against Amazon’s Alexa. Amazon’s offerings have been available for purchase in the U.K., which meant that Amazon had a regional edge with a chance to capture the market (however big the market for home assistants in the U.K. may be).
By bringing Google Home to the U.K., Google is finally expanding its presence to a territory outside of the U.S.A. The company says that it will partner with more of the U.K.’s favorite applications and services to give its customers the best possible experience. Google has also hidden a few British treats for its U.K. customers to discover, encouraging its customers to ask Google Home its favorite hobbies and foods. We can only guess what the answers to those will be.
Google is also bringing Google Wifi to the U.K. Google Wifi is a home WiFi router that works with your modem to bring security and simplicity to your home WiFi network. Google Wifi utilizes the mesh WiFi technology to provide the best coverage when utilizing multiple Google Wifi devices. You also get features such as WiFi pausing which can help you control the connected devices and their network consumption.
Google Home and Google WiFi will be available in offline stores and the Google Store in the U.K. starting April 6th. Google Home will cost £129 for one device, while additional colored bases will be available for £18 for the fabric and £36 for the metal variants. Google Wifi will be available for £129 in a 1-pack and for £229 in a 2-pack.
Do you look forward to purchasing Google Home and Google Wifi? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Google
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