We’ve talked about a number of applications that Google has highlighted with its Android Experiment program. This gives Google a way to showcase open source Android applications to the world that are more of a proof of concept than a full-fledged application.
It has resulted in projects like the Paper Planes, Sprayscape, Eating Time, and Marclay applications being made open source to benefit the Android community.
So while these applications might not be smash hits in the Play Store, the ideas and concepts behind them are open for others to use and integrate into their own applications for the world. The latest addition to Google’s Android Experiments project is an application called Android 3D Mouse and its goal is to turn your Android device into a wireless and virtual 3D mouse for your PC. The idea behind this application is to use a number of gestures to control certain programs on a PC in a 3D environment.
So for example, with this Android 3D Mouse application, you can do regular pans with a single touch swipe in the gesture area of the application. You can zoom in and out with a simple three finger gesture, and you can rotate the plane by using a two finger gesture. You can execute a roll by tapping on the gesture area with two fingers, then lifting one up and swiping that remaining finger left, right, up or down. This application will only work with Blender at the moment, but it’s possible this could be used in other programs in the future.
Since it’s focused on Blender right now, the application developer has setup a number of shortcut commands in the sidebar. So you can instantly create objects (like a cube) with a single tap, but this can be edited for individual use cases. If you’re interested in this project, be sure to check out the code on the GitHub page right here, and the video will be embedded below for those of you who want to see it in action.
Source: Android Experiments
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