In this video, TK show us how to root the FRD-L04 and the FRD-L09 versions of the Honor 8. To root, we will flash TWRP and install SuperSU.
Before we get started with the root tutorial, you will need to unlock the bootloader on your phone. See this video to learn how to unlock the bootloader on the Honor 8.
1. Unlocked Bootloader
3. Make sure USB Debugging is turned on, in the developer’s options.
4. Download and install the correct drivers and ADB tools.
5. Watch the video once and then watch it again to make sure you get the flow or the work.
Once you have setup the device with your PC for ADB and fastboot connections we are ready to start.
Installing TWRP
1. Connect your device to your PC and make sure to grant authentication to your PC over ADB. (You should be able to see your device when you type [ADB devices] in the Command Prompt)
2. Type [adb reboot bootloader] and wait for the device to reboot into fastboot mode
3. Type [fastboot devices] to confirm you have a connection to your device
4. Make sure to save the downloaded recovery .img in the same folder as your are running Adb/fastboot tools, and then type [fastboot flash recovery TWRP image.IMG] ( replace .img with the exact name of the downloaded file)
5. When complete reboot normally
6. When the device comes back up, open up ADB and type [adb reboot recovery]
7. Your device should reboot into TWRP
8. Do not change to “read/write” keep in read only mode and do a backup
9. Once backup is complete then enable “read/write” by going to “mount” and disabling the option for read only
Rooting the device
1. While connected in recovery mode transfer the Supersu2.78 stable to your device and install it. After installed, reboot
2. After rooting your device may restart 2 to 3 times. This is normal so just be patient.
3. System will reboot and you should have root. Test root access with your favorite root app ( I like XDA labs)
Xposed installation
1. Install the xposed installer 3.11 apk.
2. Reboot into recovery via [adb reboot recovery], or your favorite APM app on the play store
3. Install the version 86 sdk23 arm64 binaries zip and reboot
4. First boot will take about 6 minutes
5. After rebooting go back into recovery and do another backup now that Xposed is installed
6. Now you can start checking out modules. Do one at a time and always perform a backup before installing an Xposed module
If you followed the instructions carefully, you should be all set to go!
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