The folks behind CyanogenMod started work on CM14 back in August of this year. We knew we wouldn’t see anything immediately made official, but it was nice to know the developer community had begun work on the next version of CyanogenMod. So many custom ROMs are based on CM directly or indirectly, so this might as well be the start of Android 7.0 Nougat coming to smartphones and tablets that had already disbanded by the OEM.
We’ve seen many unofficial builds released for a number of different devices, but the first official nightlies of CM14.1 were launched a little more than a week ago. These nightlies were made available for devices like the Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, LG G3 and more, but we were told to not expect every typical CyanogenMod feature included in these early builds. They didn’t go into detail about every feature that was missing, but they did say that the CyanogenMod Theme Engine would not be included in the first set of nightly builds.
As time goes on, we’re going to see more devices added to the CM14.1 build list, and that’s what has been happening this week. Official nightly builds of CM14.1 have been made available for the Xiaomi Mi 5 (gemini), OnePlus One (bacon), OnePlus 2 (oneplus2), 2013 WiFi Nexus 7 (flo), 2013 Cellular Nexus 7 (deb), 2015 Moto G (osprey), Sony Xperia SP (huashan), Sony Xperia T (mint), Sony Xperia TX (hayabusa), and the Sony Xperia V (tsubasa).
The Nook Tablet (acclaim) will also be receiving official CM14.1 nightly builds, but they aren’t up yet. The Nexus 6 (shamu) is also up on this list, but there must be something wrong with the build because it downloads as zero MB in size instead of 500.27 MB like it’s listed on the website. This will likely get fixed soon, and they will start building CM14.1 for more devices too so be sure to keep your eye out and let us know when new builds are up.
Source: CyanogenMod Story Via: Android Police
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