Friday, August 5, 2016

Recreate the Nexus Launcher on Nova

Some awesome changes are coming to the Nexus Launcher soon and an APK of the official version has been leaked. However many people use custom launchers like Nova but still like the look of the Nexus launcher. In this video, Zach will show us how to recreate the look of the new nexus launcher using Nova.

Things to Download:

Nova Launcher (Prime recommended)
Polycon Icon Pack 
Zooper Widget Pro 
Zooper Widget Skins 

Setting Things Up:

Copy those 2 .zw files (from the zip file above)
Add a 4×1 Zooper Widget to your homescreen (add it to the top :P)
Tap the widget to set it up, tap SD Card, select the new search widget skin!
Add a 1×1 Zooper Widget to your homescreen
Tap the widget to set it up, tap SD Card, select the little up arrow!
Press the back button and you should be good to go!

Adjusting the Launcher Settings:

Open up Nova Launcher Settings (Long press on the homescreen, tap settings)
Select Desktop, make sure Width Padding & Page Indicator are “none” and Persistent Search Bar is disabled
Open up the App & Widget Drawers settings, make sure the App Drawer Style is Vertical
Make sure the Card Background is disabled
Set the drawer background color to white with a 10% transparency
Make sure “Enable fast scrollbar” is enabled
Make sure the Scroll Accent Color is Teal
Make sure the Transition Animation is Slide Up
Next, open the Dock settings
Make sure the Shape is Rectangle
Change the Tint to White, and adjust the Transparency to 90%
If not applied yet, change Dock icons to 5
Next, go to the Gestures & Inputs settings
Select Swipe Up, and choose App Drawer

Optional Adjustments:

Change Icon Size to 115% (do this in Desktop, Folder, and App Drawer settings)
Change Icon Text to grey to make it look a little cleaner (do this in Folder & App Drawer Settings)
Add the lined page indicator as seen on the Nexus Launcher
Download Walloid Pro (, head over to the Google section, and select Nexus 2016. That’s where you’ll get the leaked ‘16 Nexus Wallpapers


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