Friday, August 19, 2016

Honor Promises Extensive Software Support from This Year Onwards

Honor is trying hard to win fans, and it certainly seems to be ticking the right boxes in our books. At first, there was the partnership with us to foster developer interest in Honor devices. And now, in a Google+ post by a spokesperson, Honor has promised extensive software support.

The commitment from Honor is to provide new features for up to 24 months following each product launch. Of these 24 months of new features, the first 12 months are being promised new features at the pace of at least once every three months. Security updates and software updates for fixing bugs are promised to be delivered in a “timely manner”. Once the product goes beyond the 24 month period, threats to user safety and security will be provided updates for.

What does this mean? This means that the first year of owning your device is when you should be expecting the most of your updates to fall into. But we must not confuse this with “at least” 24 months of software update support, as the source does not this. Support for “at least” 24 months (meaning ≥ 24 months, if it still is not clear) relates only to critical threats to user safety and security. For the most part, these relate to security patches and vulnerabilities, and not to feature additions. This is still a big commitment from Honor’s end, and the act is certainly commendable as other OEMs do not promise this much. Security and features, both remain up in the air thanks to Carriers and OEM apathy, so Honor taking a stand is honorable.

For feature additions, the support is for “up to” 24 months. The first 12 months of this period is where the feature additions will be frequent, and then tapering off till the product reaches 24 months of age from launch.

The optimist in us hopes that the wording in the announcement post was off and that they meant 24 months of overall software updates. But the realist in us has to work with the literal and most probable comprehension. Even then, the promise is much sweeter than the current update scenario of several Android OEMs.

What are your thoughts on this update promise? Is it better than its competitors? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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