Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Developers: Apps Are Coming to Chromebooks, Here is What You Need to Know

At this year’s I/O it was announced that Android apps would be coming to newer Chromebooks over the coming months/years, that being said there are some things you may wish to double check to ensure your app will run well on devices that usually have larger displays that are often not touch-sensitive.

The first thing you will want to do is to ensure you take another watch of the session at I/O below, it’s only 26 minutes but filled with invaluable information explaining exactly how the process will work.


Put simply, as of Chrome OS Version M53 any Android app should function on any touchscreen-enabled Chromebook or if your app does not require the android.hardware.touchscreen feature then it will work on any Chromebook without a touch screen that also supports android.hardware.faketouch. As detailed by Android Developers in the example below you will want to update your manifest to reflect this.

Furthermore, to test your apps you can find a step by step guide to preparing and testing your apps on a Chromebook over at Google’s “Optimizing Apps for Chromebooks” page. It is worth noting that currently the only Chrome devices to support apps have touchscreens and are Intel x86 or ARM devices. However, as more devices become compatible and the dreaded fragmentation increases it will be worth testing your apps on as many hardware combinations as possible to ensure minimum compatibility issues.

Is your app Chrome OS ready? Leave a comment below!

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