Something a lot of us Android enthusiasts love about our phones is just how much we can tweak it and mold it to fit into our personal needs. Often times this means downloading and installing a large variety of apps to do so. With the UMi Super, you’ll get to do a lot of that customizing as soon as you turn the phone on, straight out of the box.
Shortcut Button
One of the first things you’ll notice is that the UMi Super has an extra button on the left side of its chassis. This button is a special shortcut that you can use to launch your any app you have installed on the phone. I had this set to the text messaging app, since that’s one that I use most often on my phone and it’s awesome to have a quick shortcut to it. But you can set the button to open any app on your phone, whether that’s Twitter, Gmail, Uber, or a game you love.
LED Notification Light
Another physical feature that stands out is the LED Notification light on the front of the display. From its settings menu, you can customize this LED to show up to seven different colors. Each color can be programmed to display when various notifications are received. That way you can glance at your phone and know, based on the LED color, whether you have a new message from Inbox, or Snapchat, or any of your other apps that send you notifications.
Display Settings
Moving into the software, the first thing you can do without even installing an app is set a custom image as your lockscreen wallpaper, a feature which is currently unavailable in Stock Android. Another cool thing about the Super is the ability to adjust the display settings to your personal tastes. In the MiraVision settings menu, you can change the color saturation and contrast of the display.
Misc Settings Additions
As you move through settings you’ll notice that there are plenty of things you can customize about the UMi Super experience. Some of these settings menus include: Turbo Download, which allows you to use both WiFi and Cellular connection to speed up the download of large files, various sensor calibrations, sound and notification profiles; battery saving profiles; background task cleaner; and even a scheduler to automatically have your phone power on and off every day.
On or Off Screen Navigation Buttons
A cool feature about the LED mentioned earlier is that it can also double as a capacitive home button. If you are a fan of on-screen buttons, or off-screen buttons, the Super will allow you to choose between the two, and will also allow you to decide the button placement on both settings. If you like having on-screen buttons but don’t want to waste any screen real estate, there’s an option to include a hide button on the navigation bar, so that it will only show up when you need it to.
For its budget friendly price point, the UMi Super offers a lot of customization and features most other $500+ smartphones don’t have. For the Android enthusiast who loves to tweak their phone like crazy, a better option is hard to come across than the UMi Super.
Buy an UMi Super – $199Also, don’t forget to look at the new, limited-release, UMi Super Euro Limited Edition in stunning blue.
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