As human beings, it’s natural that we don’t know everything there is to know in this world. We go to school and train ourselves in a single or sometimes multiple fields in order to become an expert in that topic. But no matter what, it’s unlikely you’ll ever become a walking encyclopedia of knowledge even as a seasoned master in your field.
For developers, that’s where a quick Google search comes in handy. Usually you’ll find yourself browsing old threads on websites such as Stack Overflow (and hopefully you’ll actually find an answer to your problem). Fledgling developers now have a new tool for debugging at their disposal thanks to Microsoft’s Bing search: the ability to execute code right in the search results!
Microsoft has partnered with HackerRank, a website where you can solve daily programming challenges to hone your development skills, to give you the ability to bring up an interactive code editor simply by entering a programming question into the search bar, and, if Bing picks up the right keywords, you’ll be able to see snippets of interactive code. Within the widget you’ll be able to switch to other languages, which so far includes C, C++, C#, Python, PHP, and Java. According to HackerRank co-founder Vivek Ravisankar Bing’s code editor features over 80 of the most commonly searched programming terms.
Microsoft is hoping this new feature will improve the productivity and education of both new and even seasoned developers. Google has yet to include a feature comparable to this new addition to Bing, so this may be enough to entice some new people to switch their search engine. Competition is welcome, and maybe this will push Google towards including their own interactive code editor in the future.
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