The fourth day of Tasker Week is coming to a close, and we’ve featured a bunch of neat tasks to make your smartphone life much easier. The beauty of Tasker is that it has endless possibilities, with the ability to create a Task for just about anything.
There are many cool features and plenty of functionality we wish our phones had, and depending on your ROM, you might not get them all. Custom ROMs and Xposed add a lot to play with, but Tasker also lets you do surprising amounts of automation, customization and feature-creation without any flashing or system hooks.
Here are today’s featured Tasker scripts, all adding useful and convenient functionality to any Android phone!
- Read Aloud Track Name and Artist: Do you have a bunch of new songs that you listen to while in the car, and would like to learn to associate the song with its track name and artist? Rather than looking at your car’s display or your music widget, you can simply have Tasker them aloud when a song starts.
- Custom Sleep Timer for any Audio App: Sleep timers are a pretty crucial feature for anybody who likes to listen to music, podcasts, or other audio at night. Using Tasker, we can make our own custom sleep timer.
- Create a Hotspot Monitor to Watch Who’s Connected: If you use a WiFi hotspot, you might be interested in monitoring how many devices and which devices are still connected to it. This is useful for when you’re sharing your hotspot with friends or family. There is no real way to do this easily in Android, but with some clever shell commands, variable manipulation, and database searching, we can do so using Tasker!
- Determine Best Route for Daily Commute: Using the Google Maps API, we can input a starting address and a destination address and it will spit out the best route to take as well as the estimated travel time. And yes, it accounts for current traffic and road conditions!
- Read Google Calendar Events for the Day: You’re a busy person, and you’ve decided to organize your busy life by placing all your events on Google Calendar. If this describes you, then you might like to know that you can query Calendar for its events and set it up to notify you however you want. This means you don’t have to open the app or even display a widget if you want to see what your events for the day are. Here’s how.
BONUS: Here is a profiles that a community member came up with the other day!
- Entering Night Mode depending on alarm clock state: including 1) Keep Screen on when using Reading Apps; 2)Put your phone in silent mode by turning your phone upside down; 3) Turn android lockscreen off in trusted locations; 4)Night mode or Quiet time; 5) Lock phone by shaking
Those are our featured tasks for the day. We’ll be continuing tomorrow with a gauntlet of profiles from the various Tasker enthusiast communities we’ve come across. If you love Android’s openness, customization, and potential, and if you also like getting your hands dirty, Tasker week is the perfect time of the year to geek out!
Feel free to check out and comment in any of the threads we listed; suggestions and discussion is welcome! If you need Tasker, you can find it on the Play Store. Also, if you know of any nice Task we should feature, drop a comment or send us a PM. Finally, be sure to check out the Tasker Tips & Tricks member-led forum for more awesome Tasker content, by the community for the community!
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