Saturday, December 19, 2015

Through the Viewfinder: Huawei HQ Shenzhen, China

Untitled design

As part of Honor’s 2nd birthday the journalists, bloggers, youtubers and fans were also invited to see Huawei’s headquarters in Shenzhen, who are Honor’s parent company. Huawei is one of the largest technological companies in the world and we were shown what they are currently working on as well as future developments.

Some examples of this are 5G, Huawei Mate 8 and the eSpace 7950 IP video phone, but there are photos below of much more. The Western European group were shown round Huawei Showcase hall and Huawei ICT hall. They were taken to Huaqiangbei, Shenzhen, which is renown for being the technology area for shopping and then to the Honor cafe which is the first of its kind. It is hoped that Honor cafe’s will expand to other countries in the near future and both places are also shown below.

Huawei round the world Huawei Showcase hall Huawei Showcase hall Huawei Showcase hall Huawei devices from the ICT hall Patent wall 4.5G 5G masts 5G 5G masts will be hidden in disused phone boxs Tour guide for the ICT hall Atom cell Huawei smart home Gaming controlled via bike VR headset VR headset Ultra HD Various servers Modular Data Center Modular Data Centre Inside the Modular Data Center Inside the Modular Data Center Range of smart and video phones 7950 IP phone in use what the 7950 IP phone can see 7950 IP phone basic info Hauwei VPC620 camera Some Huawei devices in use A range of phone cases Breaking Bad smart phone cases Huawei P8 A range of smart watches AF500 watch AF500 watch basic info Huawei WS880 smart home device Huawei WS880 basic info Huawei M330 smart home device Huawei M330 basic info Huawei ES186 smart home device Huawei ES186 basic info Honor 11ac android smart router Honor 11ac android smart router basic info Huawei mate 8 front and back Huawei mate 8 side view Huawei mate 8 front Huawei mate 8 back Huawei mate 8 side Huawei mate 8 side Huaqiangbei Shenzhen Huaqiangbei, Shenzhen Honor cafe Inside Honor cafe Some devices on display in the cafe Some devices on display in the cafe Honor robot

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