Friday, December 18, 2015

LG G4 Marshmallow (officially) Hits US with Sprint Update


In October we saw LG begin the release of Android 6.0, codenamed marshmallow, for its global version of the G4. Since then it was widely expected that a US release would come soon, despite  little being officially known.

Two weeks ago we got a hint that it was coming when an anonymous donation of a 6.0 build arrived for Sprint, and today Sprint has announced that the leaked version, LS991 build ZV9, is the official release. Other carriers, such as T-Mobile, Verizon and AT&T have confirmed that the update will be coming but have not given specifics on when their versions of the G4 will receive the update.

The update is a bittersweet victory for Sprint. While they are the first 6.0 release for the G4 in the United States, they have also been plagued with device failures and replacements. Sprint acknowledged the issue in October to its retail staff and they have confirmed the issue on Twitter; however, as the tweet suggests not all faulty devices have been replaced yet. In addition to the new Android version the update adds support for Sprint Global Roaming, a free international roaming package intended to compete directly against T-Mobile and their own plan. The same support was added to a November update of the Sprint G3.

For those who would rather flash the TOT instead of waiting for the over-the-air release, please check out the following thread.  Thanks to the assistance of Recognized Contributor & Developer Autoprime and other members in the Sprint G4 community it has also been confirmed that the new version can be downgraded from using a new tool called LGUP, ensuring that users who may not want to make the jump can go back to Lollipop if they so desire.

Are expecting your carrier to roll out Marshmallow soon? Let us know below!

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