Droidcon, the global developer conference series and network focusing on the best of Android, heads to London on the 29th and 30th of this month and XDA will be there sponsoring the event. 52 experts will be speaking including our very own Community Relations Admin, jerdog. Tickets currently cost £450 and can be purchased from their website here. With 5 rooms each with talks occurring throughout the event there is always going to be something to capture your interest. Just a few of the talks that should be popular this year are:
Evolution of the Android ROM
“Android has come a long ways since its humble beginnings in 2003. What began as a desire to develop, in Andy Rubin’s words, “smarter mobile devices that are more aware of its owner’s location and preferences” has grown into a behemoth which can now be found running on cars and washing machines. Due to its open source nature, it was only a matter of time before the independent developer community would rise up, and extend, Android. XDA Developer was founded with the sole desire of creating an environment where developers could share, collaborate, and create. It was here where famous projects like AOKP, CyanogenMod, OmniROM, and Paranoid Android began. XDA has now grown to over 6 million members around the world. You will explore how the developer community has evolved, and even struggled, since Android began.”
Material Design Adaptative UI
“Marcos Paulo Damasceno will talk on how to scale your Material Design app in many different screen sizes. You will learn a very good technique to decide when to use certain patterns from Material Design and how to use animations and colours to express your branding. When it’s ok to create your own pattern and how to not become a guidelines developer.”
Android Wear – Get your app on your wrist
“Maria Neumayer discusses how Android Wear received a big upgrade this year with always on support and maps. These new features make it more compelling for you to create apps for wearables. Through this session you will learn what it takes to make your app available on Android Wear and understand its limits and quirks.”
Physics UI
“Filipe Abrantes and Will Bailey will demonstrate how physics allows you to create fully interactive, coherent UIs that are a joy to use and easy to maintain. Filipe and Will will start by explaining the underlying physics (aka Springs) that power modern animation libraries, how to tweak its (typical) parameters and examine alternatives. You will then discover different ways of implementing such libraries on Android, making the case for how decoupling animation state from Views can make your life easier. Along the way you will explore related topics such as prototyping tools, filling the developer-designer gap and how this all fits into material design.”
Reverse engineering is not just for hackers!
“Jon Reeve – We spend a lot of time putting apps together, but when was the last time you pulled one apart? How wonderful is it that Android is open-source, so we can simply look at the code when we need to? What if it were just as easy to look at the source code and behaviour of any other app? If we can streamline the process of looking inside a compiled application then we’re more likely to employ it to answer questions and teach us valuable lessons we can apply to our work. We may learn from others and also make our own apps more secure. We can pinpoint bugs that come from closed-source libraries such as those for ad and tracking networks, and work around those bugs, get them fixed faster, or even patch them if need be. This talk will explore simple real-world examples for the greatest practical benefit, using some of the ever improving set of reverse engineering tools for Android. You don’t need to have any experience reverse engineering anything before, but hopefully even if you do you’ll learn a few useful tips. With this talk Jon aims to make every developer more familiar with the reverse engineering tools available for Android, and how and why they should apply them. There’s an incredible amount that can be learned from taking things apart!”
Immediately after Droidcon, the DroidconHack 2015 begins at CodeNode and will continue right through Sunday. If you are planning on attending either event this year be sure to drop by and say hello to us!
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DroidconHack 2015
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